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Guided Healing Psychology Treatment Office

Tailored Individual Therapy Sessions at Guided Healing Psychology: A Trauma-Informed Approach

Guided Healing Psychology Training iPad and Coffee

Our individual therapy sessions are rooted in the principles of trauma-informed care, ensuring a safe and understanding environment for all our clients. At GHP, we utilise treatments that are not only evidence-based but align with the latest international guidelines.

Building Authentic Connections Through Empathy and Understanding

Each therapy session at GHP is characterized by deep empathy, genuine curiosity, and a steadfast desire to understand and honor your personal journey. This approach fosters a strong, authentic therapist-client relationship, which is essential for effective healing and personal growth.

Working with All Parts of Self

At Guided Healing Psychology, our therapeutic philosophy is grounded in the acceptance that wellness, however defined by you, involves engaging with all parts of self. We understand that all humans are composed of multiple parts and that each person’s experience with their parts is unique and beautiful. Our approach is centered on the empathetic recognition of these parts and working on building your relationships with each of your parts. We are dedicated to ensuring that every aspect of your being is given voice and shown genuine care. Together, we work towards the holistic well-being you envision for yourself, embracing the full spectrum of your individuality.

Professional Development Training with Joh at Guided Healing Psychology

Training sessions are available for those wanting to learn from Joh’s experience and expertise, as a psychologist who primarily works with clients with complex trauma histories. Our training programs are meticulously designed for those eager to enhance their skills and knowledge in mental health care. Whether you're looking for a bespoke program or an interactive workshop for yourself, your team or your organisation, Guided Healing Psychology is your go-to resource. Interested participants are encouraged to contact us via email for more information on our upcoming sessions.

Elevate Your Practice with AHPRA Board-Approved Supervision

As an AHPRA board-approved supervisor, Joh offers comprehensive supervision services tailored to mental health professionals at every stage of their career. From provisional registration to seasoned practitioners, our supervision sessions are structured to foster growth, reflection, and professional excellence. Discover how supervision with Joh can transform your practice and develop your skills as a practitioner working with clients with dissociative disorders and complex trauma.

Email Joh directly to organise your next supervision session.

stronger together than separated.

At Guided Healing Psychology, we are committed to advocating for the empathetic and accurate understanding of those who have experienced complex mental injury.

Using evidence-based therapeutic practices, we focus on the human, all the parts of you. We understand that you are the expert in you and work with you on developing a ‘map‘ of your healing journey.